What do you call a neutral feeling?

What do you call a neutral feeling?

What do you call a neutral feeling?

disinterested, evenhanded, fair-minded, inactive, indifferent, nonaligned, nonpartisan, unbiased, uncommitted, undecided, uninvolved, vague, calm, cool, noncombatant, abstract, achromatic, drab, intermediate, vanilla.

What does it mean to be neutral about someone?

If a person or country adopts a neutral position or remains neutral, they do not support anyone in a disagreement, war, or contest. Let’s meet on neutral territory. Synonyms: unbiased, impartial, disinterested, even-handed More Synonyms of neutral.

What does neutral mean in psychology?

n. an approach that is nonjudgmental, as exhibited, for example, by a therapist who refrains from expressing judgments of right and wrong or suggesting what is proper behavior on the part of the client.

What does neutral effect mean?

Neutral effect means that the cumulative effects of an alternative are expected to be no different than they had been under past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions.

What is it called when your not sad but your not happy?

Anhedonia is the inability to feel pleasure. It’s a common symptom of depression as well as other mental health disorders. Most people understand what pleasure feels like. They expect certain things in life to make them happy.

Is being neutral a good thing?

Neutral parties are often perceived as more trustworthy, reliable, and safe. Alternative to acting without a bias, the bias of neutrality itself is the expectation upon the Swiss government (in armed neutrality), and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (in non-interventionism).

What does looking neutral mean?

The definition of neutral is not taking part in a fight or war or having very little color. An example of neutral is a person who does not take sides in an argument between two friends. An example of neutral is the color tan. adjective. 5.

Is feeling neutral normal?

In sum, neutral affective states might provide people with a variety of information, including that the situation does not need to be attended to because it is not noteworthy, that it is understood, that it is normal, and that one does not feel one way or the other.

Is it good to be neutral?

Neutrality sets us free. It helps us see something more like the truth, what’s happening, instead of experiencing circumstances in relation to expectations and desires. This provides clarity and eliminates obstacles, making things neither awesome nor awful but cool. Enlightenment, the easy way.

What is it called when a person shows no emotion?

apathetic. / (ˌæpəˈθɛtɪk) / adjective. having or showing little or no emotion; indifferent.