What do the letters or in the technical manual document for the Marine Corps Hmmwv mean?

What do the letters or in the technical manual document for the Marine Corps Hmmwv mean?

What do the letters or in the technical manual document for the Marine Corps Hmmwv mean?

Under the Marine Corps Realignment of Maintenance (ROM), the letters OR, IN, and DE refer to the three levels of maintenance – ORganizational, INtermediate, and DEpot. For older manuals, the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 are used to indicate the Echelon of Maintenance (EOM) to which the manual applies.

What is a M1097R1?

The HMMWV M1097R1 configuration incorporates a four-speed, electronic transmission; a 6.5-liter diesel engine; and improvements in transportability. It has a payload of 4,400 pounds.

What is a dash 10 army?

Dash 10 is an electronic countermeasures (ECM) pod used on aircraft such as the Blackburn Buccaneer at RAF Honington. It was also used in the Falklands War by the Avro Vulcan Bomber.

What does HMMWV stand for?

High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
The High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) is a lightweight, highly mobile, high-performance, diesel-powered four-wheel drive, air-transportable and air-droppable family of tactical vehicles.

Where is the fire extinguisher located in a HMMWV?

The FSS consists of a Tri-Max 280A Twin Agent Unit fire extinguishing assembly, mounted inside the bed of one of three types of High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV).

What is a 5988e?

DA Form 5988-E, Equipment Maintenance and Inspection Worksheet (EGA), is a form used to record faults found during the inspection of Army-owned equipment after missions. These faults include PMCS, maintenance activity inspections, diagnostic checks, and spot checks.

What is an M1123?

The M1123 heavy cargo/troop carriers, similar to the M1097A2 heavy HMMWV variant, were used to transport equipment, materials, and/or personnel. The M1123 troop carrier was capable of transporting a 2-man crew and 8 passengers.

What is the difference between M998 and M1123?

Differences: The difference between the M998 and M998A1 cargo/troop carriers and the M1097, M1097A1, M1097A2, and M1123 are specifically designed to accomodate a higher payload capacity. The M1123 and A2 models have new bumpers which make the vehicle slightly longer.

How many troops can a Humvee carry?

This two-man vehicle is used primarily to transport personnel or it can be used as a shelter carrier. The 2-CT provides superior troop protection and can carry up to eight passengers with the armor troop carrier or troop seat configurations.

What is HMMWV Army?

The High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) is a lightweight, highly mobile, high-performance, diesel-powered four-wheel drive, air-transportable and air-droppable family of tactical vehicles.