What can be created using content type article in Drupal?

What can be created using content type article in Drupal?

What can be created using content type article in Drupal?

The Article content type (formerly, “story”) is enabled in Drupal in the default installation profile. Articles are generally used for information that is updated more frequently and often cross-referenced and categorized (such as news items or resources).

What are the content types in Drupal?

Drupal has four additional content types available when the blog, forum, book and poll modules are enabled. To enable these, Goto: admin/build/modules/list (Administer > Site building > Modules > List) in the “core optional” subsection. Blog entry – A blog entry is a single post to your journal or blog.

How do I upload an article to Drupal?

Creating Articles in Drupal To create an article, click the “Content” link in the top Drupal admin tool bar. Then, you want to click the “+ Add content” button. Click the control for “Article” to begin editing. This will open your preferred text editor in Drupal.

How do I link content types in Drupal?

Working with content types and fields

  1. About nodes.
  2. Working with content types and fields (Drupal 7 and later)
  3. Create a custom content type.
  4. Add a field to a content type.
  5. Rearrange the order of fields.
  6. Specify how fields are displayed.
  7. Import and Export of content-types, fields, panel or views-structure.

What is the difference between an article and a basic page?

Articles are time-sensitive pieces of content like blog posts, news, press releases, etc. On the other hand, Pages are more static type of content like your About us or Contact pages for example.

How is Drupal content presented?

Content items managed by the Node module are typically displayed as pages on your site, and include a title, some meta-data (author, creation time, content type, etc.), and optional fields containing text or other data. (Fields are managed by the Field module in Drupal 7.) Each node has an unique ID.

What is Article Drupal?

Drupal has two main content types – Articles and Pages. Articles are time-sensitive pieces of content like blog posts, news, press releases, etc. On the other hand, Pages are more static type of content like your About us or Contact pages for example.

How do I add content to Drupal 9?

Adding content

  1. Enter a Title for the page in the Title text box: for example, Test Article.
  2. In the Summary area enter some text that describes your article briefly.
  3. In the Body area enter some text.
  4. You can tag your content.
  5. You can upload image to your content type.
  6. Click Save.
  7. You should now see your post.

What is article Drupal?

What is the difference between website article and web page?

The primary difference between a webpage and a website is that a webpage is a single document on the Internet under a unique URL. In contrast, a website is a collection of multiple webpages in which information on a related topic or other subject is linked together under a domain address.

What is Drupal content management system?

Drupal is content management software. It’s used to make many of the websites and applications you use every day. Drupal has great standard features, like easy content authoring, reliable performance, and excellent security.