What are the two superclasses of Gnathostomata?

What are the two superclasses of Gnathostomata?

What are the two superclasses of Gnathostomata?

The class is divided into two subclasses: Elasmobranchii (sharks, rays and skates) and Holocephali (chimaeras, sometimes called ghost sharks, which are sometimes separated into their own class).

Do humans belong to Gnathostomata?

The group gnathostomes, meaning “jaw-mouths,” includes tens of thousands of living vertebrate species, ranging from fish and sharks to birds, reptiles, mammals and humans.

What are the names of the two extant living lineages of the Gnathostomata?

Gnathostomes are divided into two extant lineages: the Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays and skates, and chimaeras) and much more diverse Osteichthyes (bony fishes and tetrapods).

What is the distinguishing characteristics of Gnathostomata?

What are the characteristics of gnathostomes? In addition to opposing jaws, living gnathostomes have teeth, paired appendages, and a horizontal semicircular canal of the inner ear, along with physiological and cellular anatomical characters such as the myelin sheaths of neurons.

What is the hypothesis for the origin of jaws in Gnathostomata?

It is generally believed that the jaw arose through the simple transformation of an ancestral rostral gill arch. The gnathostome jaw differentiates from Hox-free crest cells in the mandibular arch, and this is also apparent in the lamprey.

When did Gnathostomata evolve?

Early Devonian (419 Ma) mandibulate gnathostomes were already ecologically diverse44 and, by the close of the Devonian (360 Ma), the first tetrapods and many of their adaptations for terrestriality had emerged34.

What do you mean by Gnathostomata?

Definition of Gnathostomata : a superclass or other division of Vertebrata comprising those with jaws — compare agnatha.

What are the similarities between Agnatha and Gnathostomata?

Difference between Agnatha and Gnathostomata

No. Agnatha Gnathostomata
Fins/Paired appendages
3. These organisms do not have fins and Paired appendages. These organisms do have fins and paired appendages.
4. The organisms possess mouth that is without jaws. The organisms possess mouth that have jaws.

What two major lineages make up the living Amniota?

Current research distinguishes two major lineages among amniotes: Synapsida (mammals and their extinct close relatives) and Reptilia.

Which of the following is are the characters of Gnathostomata?

Calcified, bony skull and vertebra are characteristic features of Gnathostomata.