What are the symptoms of Selenium deficiency in horses?

What are the symptoms of Selenium deficiency in horses?

What are the symptoms of Selenium deficiency in horses?

Signs of Selenium deficiency may include muscle disease and wasting (frequently perceived as weight loss), impaired movement or difficulty getting up, difficulty swallowing, coughing when eating, respiratory distress and impaired heart function.

Should I give my horse selenium?

The FDA has set a daily recommended level of selenium for an “average” horse at a total of 3 mg per day. Many different types of feeds and supplements contain selenium. Take the time to read the labels and calculate how much, if any, selenium is contributing to your horse’s diet.

How much selenium is toxic to horses?

2 mg/kg
The minimal requirement according to the National Research Council is 0.1 mg/kg of diet (1 mg per day for the average horse) depending on the age and use of the animal, while toxic levels start at 2 mg/kg of diet for the horse.

How much selenium per day do horses need?

3 mg per day
FDA sets safe level for average horse The FDA has set a daily recommended level of selenium for an “average” horse at a total of 3 mg per day.

What does selenium do for a horse?

Selenium is required for equine muscle development and growth. Along with Vitamin E, it is a component of proteins that prevent muscule conditions such as tying up (nutritional myopathy or exertional rhabdomyolysis). This essential mineral is also important for reproductive health.

Does alfalfa hay contain selenium?

Alfalfa grown in the field on the same soil treated with 1.12 kg Se/ ha contained up to 2.7 ppm Se (3), a concentration range safe for livestock.

What happens if a horse gets too much selenium?

Alkali disease of horses and cattle was shown to be caused by selenium. Signs in the horse included hair loss from mane and tail, sloughing of hooves, joint erosion, and lameness. Blind staggers characterized by ataxia, blindness, head pressing, and respiratory failure were also thought to be caused by selenium.

How much selenium does alfalfa have?

Selenium levels of 100 to over 9000 mg/kg can be found in selenium accumulator plants….Selenium Levels in Interlake Forages.

Lundar Alfalfa-grass hay Alfalfa-grass hay Alfalfa-grass hay 0.8 1.6 0.7
Selkirk Alfalfa-grass hay Alfalfa-grass hay 0.086 0.13

Is Ohio selenium deficient?

Selenium is deficient in Ohio soils and forages. Unlike many minerals, there is a narrow range between deficient and toxic. Deficiency can lead to increased incidence of retained placentas, infertility and white muscle or stiff lamb disease. Vitamin E is closely tied to the utilization of selenium.

What are the side effects of selenium?

Side Effects

  • Diarrhea.
  • fingernail weakening.
  • garlic odor of breath and sweat.
  • hair loss.
  • itching of skin.
  • nausea and vomiting.
  • unusual tiredness and weakness.