What are the perihelion and aphelion speeds of Mercury?

What are the perihelion and aphelion speeds of Mercury?

What are the perihelion and aphelion speeds of Mercury?

Mercury;s perihelion speed = 69.8 km’s and aphelion speed is 46.0 km/s. Earth’s perihelion = 147.1 million km and aphelion = 152.1 million km.

What is perihelion precession of Mercury?

at one focus. The smaller gravitational forces due to the other planets cause the major axis to slowly rotate about the Sun, shifting the line from the Sun to the perihelion through an angle each orbit. This shift is referred to as the precession of the perihelion. For Mercury, 9.55 arc minutes per century.

Why does the planet Mercury experience perihelion shift?

As Mercury moves toward its perihelion (i.e. closer to the Sun), it moves deeper into the Sun’s gravity well. Its motion into this region of greater curvature of space-time causes the perihelion to advance. Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity predicts exactly the amount of perihelion advance seen in Mercury.

Does the same side of Mercury always face the Sun?

As a result, every time that Mercury is seen from the Earth on one side of the Sun, the same side of Mercury is facing the Sun, and every time it is seen from the Earth on the other side of the Sun, the same side is once again facing the Sun.

How do you calculate the perihelion and aphelion?

At perihelion, Earth’s distance from the Sun is r=a(1-e) and at aphelion, it’s r=a(1+e). So plugging in the numbers, the speed at perihelion is 30,300 m/s and at aphelion it’s 29,300 m/s.

What is Mercury’s aphelion distance in miles?

35,983,015 mi
When it is at its closest (perihelion), it is 46,001,200 km (28,583,820 mi) from the Sun; and when it is farthest away (aphelion), it is 57,909,050 km (35,983,015 mi) from the Sun.

What is the precession of the perihelion of Mercury and why is it important?

the perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit. the deflection of light by the Sun….Perihelion precession of Mercury.

Amount (arcsec/Julian century) Cause
42.9799 Gravitoelectric effects (Schwarzschild-like), a General Relativity effect
−0.0020 Lense–Thirring precession
575.31 Total predicted
574.10±0.65 Observed

Why is Mercury’s orbit different?

Orbits of most planets are eccentric. Earth’s orbit is slightly eccentric, whereas Mercury’s orbit is the most eccentric because it is the closest planet to the Sun. Q: Why is Mercury orbit elliptical? Orbits are caused by the planet’s interactions with the sun as it moves around by the gravity of the sun.

How do you find the planet perihelion?

The perihelion distance P=a(1−e) and the aphelion distance A=a(1+e) where e=0.875 is the eccentricity. This gives a perihelion distance of 2.375AU and an aphelion distance of 35.625AU.

How do you calculate perihelion date?

The Earth is closest to the Sun, at its perihelion, about two weeks after the December solstice and farthest from the Sun, or at its aphelion, about two weeks after the June solstice. Earth is farthest from the Sun when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere.