What are the equipment used in cytology?

What are the equipment used in cytology?

What are the equipment used in cytology?

Various products available include catheters, batteries, defibrillators, disposable gloves, hand sanitizers, microscope slides, needles, blood pressure monitors, cytology supplies, microscope equipment, sterilizers and infant warmers.

What is histology and cytology equipment?

Histology and pathology laboratory equipment are tools that help to prepare and examine tissues. Microtomes produce thin tissue slices, and tissue processors automatically prepare tissue samples for study, freezing stages quickly and uniformly freezing samples, and cryostats keep them frozen.

What are pathology consumables?

Laboratory Consumables

Pathology Supplies extn 8468 Cellular Pathology Laboratory extn 8180
60 ml biopsy containers containing formalin fixative Histology /Non Gynae cytology request forms
Urine cytology kits Histology specimen containers as below:
Plastic transport boxes 0.5 litre specimen containers

What is cell pathology?

Cellular pathology is the study of organs and tissues, and is used to diagnose illnesses and medical problems, similar to other branches of medicine, such as blood testing, radiology, blood transfusion and biochemistry. We analyse the causes of certain diseases and the effects that they are having on the body.

Which instrument are used in histology lab?

Histology Laboratory Equipment

SliceMaster Sample Preparation Tools Paraffin Dispenser Manual Rotary Microtome
Biological Microscopes MagFuge® Centrifuge & Stirrer Magnetic Induction Stirrers
Vortexer CellTec Activated Carbon Filters nUVaClean™ UV Pipette Carousel

What are pathological instruments?

Instrument list

Instrument Uses
Flow cytometer used for automated cell counting as in total blood count, differential count, etc.
Tissue bath or organ bath or Dale’s apparatus used in full tissue experiments, for example using guinea pig ileum mainly used in pharmacology for application of drugs to these tissues.

What are the major types of cell pathology?

Overview: The four basic types of cellular adaptation to be discussed in this section are hyperplasia, hypertrophy, atrophy, and metaplasia.

What are cellular pathology techniques?

Description. Cellular Pathology Technique aims to maintain the twin objectives of producing a comprehensive bench book and a text for students that will take the Special Examination in Cellular Pathology of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences. The organization of this fourth edition has been reshaped.

What is L Mould used for?

It is used for cutting hard tissues. be used when frozen sections are required on friable and necrotic tissues. A variety of moulds are used for embedding. These may be LEUCKHARD embedding moulds (L mould) paper blocks, plastic moulds.

What is histopathology equipment?

Histopathology Equipments – Microtomes/Tissue Processor, Oven, Incubator, Water Bath, Laminar Air Flow, Mortuary Chamber, Biosafe Cabinet, Postmortem Autopsy Table. Microscopy Techniques.
