What are the analytes in clinical chemistry?

What are the analytes in clinical chemistry?

What are the analytes in clinical chemistry?

We choose assays available on modern random-access test systems for measurement of 8 common analytes, i.e., creatinine, glucose, phosphate, uric acid, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

What specimens are used in clinical chemistry?

The most common specimens used in clinical chemistry are blood and urine. Many different tests exist to detect and measure almost any type of chemical component in blood or urine. Components may include blood glucose, electrolytes, enzymes, hormones, lipids (fats), other metabolic substances, and proteins.

What are the instruments used in the clinical chemistry?

Many of the instruments used in clinical chemistry labs are the same types found in conventional analytical labs—colorimeters, spectrophotometers, flame photometers, fluorometers, pH meters, gas chromatographs, radiation counters.

What tests are done in clinical chemistry section?

Routine Tests These include, but are not limited to glucose, BUN, electrolytes, Ca, P, liver function tests, cardiac markers, CSF glucose and protein, and measurement of drugs frequently involved in poisonings as well as commonly monitored therapeutic drugs.

What are some examples of analyte?


  • Alcohol.
  • Ammonia.
  • Ethanol.
  • Glucose.
  • Glutamine.
  • Glycerol.
  • Lactate.
  • Lactose.

What is analyte and matrix?

analyte: the substance that is of interest in the analysis (for example: amount of hemoglobin in blood); matrix: the constituents, apart from the analyte, of the given sample (for example: all the constituents of blood except hemoglobin);

What are specimen samples examples?


  • Blood. Blood samples can be collected from blood vessels (capillaries, veins, and sometimes arteries) by trained phlebotomists or medical personnel.
  • Tissue biopsy.
  • Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  • Other body fluids.
  • Bone marrow.
  • Amniotic fluid.

What is the role of different instruments in clinical biochemistry?

Instruments fulfill two functions: (1) to enable an analysis to be made which is not otherwise possible, and (2) to enable it to be made faster, more accurately, on smaller quantities, or more cheaply than by alternative methods.

Who is the father of clinical chemistry?

Henry Bence Jones
Perhaps because of his accomplishments and the implications of his initial discovery, Henry Bence Jones should be known as the “Father of Clinical Chemistry.”