What are some advanced Spanish words?

What are some advanced Spanish words?

What are some advanced Spanish words?

4. Advanced Legal Words

Aprobación Approval
Denegación Rejection
Burocracia Bureaucracy
Administración pública Public administration
Funcionario Public worker

How can I enrich my Spanish vocabulary?

How Can I Increase My Vocabulary?

  1. Use Spanish Words Actively.
  2. Use New Spanish Words Right Away.
  3. Write to Others in Spanish.
  4. Find an Email Partner.
  5. Read Newspapers and Magazines Online.
  6. Native Speakers Glad To Help.
  7. Reading Online a Good Way To Learn.
  8. Write a Journal in Spanish.

What’s the longest Spanish word?

Esternocleidooccipitomastoideos (31-letters) is the plural of the noun esternocleidooccipitomastoideo, which is the sternocleidomastoid, a muscle in the human neck. The word has a 22-letter synonym: esternocleidomastoideo, which is shorter because it omits the Latin prefix occipito- (occipital).

What are some big Spanish words?

Learn to pronounce 8 of the longest words in Spanish

  • Esternocleidomastoideo (22 letters)
  • Interdisciplinariedad (21 letters)
  • Internacionalización (20 letters):
  • Desvergonzadamente (18 letters)
  • Desconsoladamente (17 letters)
  • Electrodoméstico (16 letters)
  • Paralelepípedo (14 letters)
  • Caleidoscopio: (13 letters)

How many Spanish words should I learn a day?

Both sources refer to learning Spanish, so really about 15 words a day, with 30 minute or more practice sessions. The first source suggests that learning less than 15 words daily could be too slow, while learning more than 50 words a day could cause you to not remember the words.

How do I perfect my Spanish?

Nine Ways to Improve your Spanish

  1. Watch Movies and Shows in Spanish.
  2. Listen to Music and Podcast.
  3. Practice Writing.
  4. Immerse Yourself in the Culture.
  5. Use Apps.
  6. Live in a Spanish-Speaking Household (if studying abroad)
  7. Put your Phone Language to Spanish.
  8. Join Spanish Cultural Groups Online.

What is the Spanish word for classroom vocabulary?

Spanish classroom vocabulary. estudiante. student. maestro. teacher. butaca. seat. escritorio.

How many Spanish vocabulary words can I learn on this page?

On this page you can learn 65 Spanish vocabulary words. You can practice them online or print it out and take them with you. The words are in alphabetical order on the Spanish side.

How can I practice the Spanish words?

You can practice them online or print it out and take them with you. The words are in alphabetical order on the Spanish side.