What are 5 important laboratory safety rules?

What are 5 important laboratory safety rules?

What are 5 important laboratory safety rules?

Basic Safety Rules

  • Know locations of laboratory safety showers, eyewashstations, and fire extinguishers.
  • Know emergency exit routes.
  • Avoid skin and eye contact with all chemicals.
  • Minimize all chemical exposures.
  • No horseplay will be tolerated.
  • Assume that all chemicals of unknown toxicity are highly toxic.

What are the 10 laboratory rules?

The 10 Most Important Lab Safety Rules

  • of 10. The Most Important Lab Safety Rule.
  • of 10. Know the Location of Safety Equipment.
  • of 10. Dress for the Lab.
  • of 10. Don’t Eat or Drink in the Laboratory.
  • of 10. Don’t Taste or Sniff Chemicals.
  • of 10. Don’t Play Mad Scientist in the Laboratory.
  • of 10. Dispose of Lab Waste Properly.
  • of 10.

What is the lab safety manual?

The LSM serves as a resource for identifying and evaluating the nature of potential laboratory hazards, as well as determining appropriate hazard controls. The information in this manual applies to all laboratories that use, store or handle potentially hazardous materials and all personnel who work in these facilities.

What are the 4 major safety issues in a lab?

Are You Prepared for the Top 5 Laboratory Hazards?

  • Fire/Explosions. In a laboratory, all chemicals and liquids should be treated as if they are as potent as gasoline.
  • Thermal and Chemical Burns.
  • Skin Absorption of Chemicals.
  • Inhalation of Toxic Fumes.
  • Cuts to the Skin.

What is chemical Hygiene Plan?

The CHP is a written program stating the policies, procedures and responsibilities that protect workers from the health hazards associ- ated with the hazardous chemicals used in that particular workplace.

Which is correct lab safety?

Avoid direct contact with any chemical. Never smell, inhale or taste laboratory chemicals. Always wash hands and arms with soap and water after removing gloves and before leaving the work area. Never eat, drink, chew gum or tobacco, smoke or apply cosmetics in the laboratory.

What are examples of chemical hazards?

Chemical hazards may include a vast range of commonly found substances including:

  • Ammonia.
  • Chlorine.
  • Cleaning chemicals.
  • Disinfectants.
  • Gas cylinders.
  • Glues.
  • Lead.
  • Paint.

Do and don’ts in chemistry lab?

Above all, stay safe and healthy as you explore the mysteries of science.

  • Do Wear Eye Protection.
  • Do Practice Fire Safety.
  • Do Handle Glassware Safely.
  • Do Keep Notes.
  • Do Wear Gloves.
  • Do Wear Closed-Toed Shoes.
  • Do Practice Electrical Safety.
  • Don’t Eat or Drink in the Lab.