Is sanitarium up and go good for you?

Is sanitarium up and go good for you?

Is sanitarium up and go good for you?

UP&GO No Added Sugar has a five-star Health Star Rating. It is low GI (GI value 44), provides protein and fibre, plus 10 essential vitamins and minerals. It’s also low in fat and sodium.

Do up and Gos have added sugar?

Fans of the breakfast drink can now choose to go sugar-free. Short on time and love grabbing an UP&GO from the fridge in the morning? Well, good news – there’s now a “no added sugar” version of the popular breakfast drink which uses natural sugars and “plant-based” sweeteners for flavour.

Is up and go a healthy breakfast?

They’re marketed as being the ultimate, convenient breakfast on-the-go, but drinking an Up & Go every morning is the same as swallowing almost five heaped teaspoons of sugar. Despite its high protein and fibre content, Up & Go is little more than flavoured milk, and really should be considered a dessert.

Is up and go no added sugar?

With protein, fibre and low GI energy^, UP&GO™ No Added Sugar takes everything that’s good about UP&GO Original to the next level.

Does up and go make you fat?

But there’s 11.6g protein, 1150kJ and 5.3g fibre which is more than in 3 Weet-bix with 125ml whole milk if you go by the pack….Nutrition 13 out of 20.

Component Per serve (350 ml) Per 100 ml
Kilojoules 1150 329
Calories 277 79
Protein,g 11.6 3.3
Total fat,g 5.3 1.5

How much sugar is in up and go no added sugar?

#95% of total sugar comes from milk powder and the remaining sugars are native to the cereal, fibre & cocoa ingredients….Health Star Rating.

Per serve Per 100mL
Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) 3.7 0.7 1.5 0.3
Carbohydrate (g) Sugars (g) Lactose (g) 15.4 10.4 10.1 6.2 4.2 4.0

How much sugar is there in up and go?

Health Star Rating

Per serve Per 100mL
Carbohydrate (g) Sugars (g) 28.7 15.8 11.5 6.3
Dietary Fibre (g) 4.0 1.6
Sodium (mg) 168 67
Potassium (mg) 486 194

Is up and go good for diabetic?

Bottom line: Soda and sugary fruit drinks are some of the worst drinks for people with diabetes. “If you have diabetes, cutting out soda and other sugar-sweetened drinks is one of the most powerful ways to control blood sugar, lose weight, and improve your health,” says Ginn.

Is up and go a good meal replacement?

Yet as our taste-test reveals, it is a highly processed product that actually contains NO Weet-Bix which will come as a shock to many. For years, it’s been marketed as a “nutritious start” for busy people when they need to “get up and go”….Nutrition 13 out of 20.

Component Per serve (350 ml) Per 100 ml
Sodium, mg 228 65

Does up and go have weetbix in it?

Yet as our taste-test reveals, it is a highly processed product that actually contains NO Weet-Bix which will come as a shock to many. For years, it’s been marketed as a “nutritious start” for busy people when they need to “get up and go”.

Does erythritol have sugar alcohol?

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol used as a low calorie sweetener. It provides only about 6% of the calories found in an equal amount of sugar.