How many Kagan Structures are there?

How many Kagan Structures are there?

How many Kagan Structures are there?

Implementing Kagan Structures would require a great deal of training and practice; there are more than 200 Kagan Structures!

What is Kagan model?

The Kagan model defines over 150 repeatable, step-by-step, content-free ways to structure the interaction of students with each other, the curriculum, and the teacher. The structures are very empowering for a teacher.

What is Spencer Kagan known for?

Spencer Kagan is world renowned author and keynote speaker in the field of education and psychology. He was a clinical psychologist and full-time professor of pyschology and education at the Univeristy of California Berkley.

What is round robin Kagan structure?

Like RallyRobin, the RoundRobin structure will allow students to verbalize a solution or answer to a teacher’s problem or question. This structure; however, takes a little more time and will include multiple students getting the opportunity to participate in a grouped conversation.

What is Kagan grouping?

Kagan Policy: 2015/16 Kagan cooperative Learning is a teaching strategy in which small teams of students (usually teams of 4) work together towards a learning goal. They may also be working with partners or the whole class.

What are the five elements of cooperative learning?

Positive interdependence.

  • Individual and group accountability.
  • Interpersonal and small group skills.
  • Face -to- face promotive interaction.
  • Group processing.
  • What are some Kagan strategies?

    The learning task promotes teamwork and students experience themselves as being on the same side;

  • Each student is held accountable for their individual contribution;
  • Students participate about equally; and
  • Many students are engaged at once.
  • What are Kagan structures?

    Kagan Structures are instructional strategies designed to promote cooperation and communication in the classroom, boost students’ confidence and retain their interest in classroom interaction. The Structures work in all teaching contexts—regardless of subject, age group, and number of students in class—and are a particularly powerful tool

    What is Kagan strategy?

    Positive interdependence: This is achieved by fulfilling the responsibility of carrying out the assigned task individually.

  • Individual responsibility: The actions of every member of the group will directly impact the group as a whole.
  • Equal participation: All group members should have an equal opportunity to participate in the activity.