How does WWF prevent deforestation?

How does WWF prevent deforestation?

How does WWF prevent deforestation?

WWF has been working to protect forests for more than 50 years. WWF works with governments, companies, communities and other stakeholders to promote certification for responsible forest management practices, combat illegal logging, reform trade policies, protect forested areas, and more.

Is logging in the Amazon rainforest illegal?

Fuelled by high demand for timber products, legal and illegal logging are important drivers of Amazon rainforest destruction. In 1996, Asian companies invested more than US$ 500 million in Brazil’s timber industry, mainly because they were keenly aware of the speed at which the forests in Asia are being cut1.

How can we stop illegal logging?

Best Solutions to Illegal Logging

  1. Encouragement of forest stewardship. Among the best solutions to illegal logging, management is the promotion of forest stewardship programs.
  2. Stricter regulations on forest management.
  3. Legal purchases.
  4. Volunteer, donate and spread the word.

Do logging companies replant trees in the Amazon rainforest?

Do timber companies replant when they cut? A. Yes. Forest products companies are in the business of growing and harvesting trees, so reforestation is important to them.

How many trees are illegally cut down each year?

The Deforestation Crisis Explained. If you’ve ever wondered how many trees are cut down every year, the shockingly short answer is that more than 15 billion trees are lost annually to deforestation.

Where is illegal logging most common?

Although exact figures are difficult to calculate, given the illegal nature of the activity, decent estimates show that more than half of the logging that takes place globally is illegal, especially in open and vulnerable areas such as the Amazon Basin, Central Africa, Southeast Asia and the Russian Federation.