How do you introduce depth and Complexity icons to students?

How do you introduce depth and Complexity icons to students?

How do you introduce depth and Complexity icons to students?

You can introduce the idea of Depth and Complexity by describing each of the prompts as a different lens to help you see a topic in different ways. If you’re especially clever, you could even bring in binoculars, a microscope, eye glasses, reading glasses, and other actual lenses.

How many prompts or elements of depth and Complexity are there?

eleven prompts
The Depth and Complexity icons are tools that will take students of any age deeper into a study of any content area. Each of the eleven prompts acts as a different lens, prompting students to look at a topic in a new way.

What does patterns mean in depth and Complexity?

The Patterns thinking tool prompts students to look for repeating elements within a topic – ideas, events, thoughts, actions, etc. that tend to happen over and over.

What is Complexity in gifted education?

Original post (edited): Depth is the “language of the discipline, big ideas, essential details, rules, patterns, trends, unanswered questions, and ethics.” Complexity involves “change over time, multiple points of view, across the disciplines.” Depth and complexity in gifted education should be a natural extension of …

Why do we use depth and Complexity?

The goal of Depth is to help students to expand their knowledge and expertise while maintaining a balance with the academic content. The goal of Complexity is to challenge students to make connections across disciplines, both over time and between disciplines.

Who invented depth and complexity icons?

Bette Gould and Sandra Kaplan (yes, two people developed this framework!)

Why do we use depth and complexity?

What is trends in depth and Complexity icon?

The Depth and Complexity icons are eleven tools that act as lenses, prompting students to look at a topic in a new way. They will help you to take your students deeper into grade-level material rather than moving them onto a new topic.

What is depth and Complexity in education?

The goal of Depth is to help students to expand their knowledge and expertise while maintaining a balance with the academic content. COMPLEXITY. The goal of Complexity is to challenge students to make connections across disciplines, both over time and between disciplines.

When making icons is it better to make them more simple or more complex?

Be simple Simplicity is the key in today’s design world and it concerns icons as well. If you create too complex icons, no one will be interested in it and people will avoid clicking on it.

How many steps are there of ICON model of teaching?

seven steps
Interpretation Construction (Icon) Design Model: Learning in this model comprises of seven steps and start from the learner’s observation. Observations: The key aspects of this model, where learners are made to observe the elements and situation related to the problem before proceeding to evolve a solution.