How do you do a DC sweep in PSpice?

How do you do a DC sweep in PSpice?

How do you do a DC sweep in PSpice?

Name the profile as “DC sweep,” and click the Create button. The simulation settings GUI opens. Under Analysis Type, choose DC Sweep from the dropdown list. DC sweep analysis in PSpice allows you to sweep a source, voltage, or current, a global parameter, a model parameter, or the temperature through a range of values.

What type of sweep is used in DC sweep analysis?

DC sweep performs a sequence of DC operating point simulations. It increments the voltage or current of a selected source in predefined steps over a range of values. DC sweep can be used with any source that includes a DC offset variable. An optional second source can also be used to run a nested sweep.

Why is parameter sweep used in a DC circuit?

DC Sweep Analysis is used to calculate a circuits’ bias point over a range of values. This procedure allows you to simulate a circuit many times, sweeping the DC values within a predetermined range. You can control the source values by choosing the start and stop values and the increment for the DC range.

What is parameter Sweep?

Abstract. A parametric sweep allows for a parameter to be swept through a range of values and can be performed when running a transient, AC or DC sweep analysis. Parameters that can be varied include a voltage or current source, temperature, a global parameter, or a model parameter.

What is AC sweep?

AC sweep simulation is used when you want to calculate the small-signal response of a circuit. This method will first use operating point analysis to gather linear, small-signal models for all nonlinear components. The snapshot of this circuit is then analyzed based on a defined frequency range.

What is parametric sweep?

A parametric sweep allows for a parameter to be swept through a range of values and can be performed when running a transient, AC or DC sweep analysis. Parameters that can be varied include a voltage or current source, temperature, a global parameter, or a model parameter.

What is sweep voltage?

To display the variations of a signal with respect to time on an oscilloscope, a voltage that varies linearly with time, has to be applied to the deflection plates. This makes the signal to sweep the beam horizontally across the screen. Hence the voltage is called as Sweep Voltage.

How do you do a parameter sweep?

To run a parameter sweep:

  1. Tap the configuration button. in the toolbar to open Simulation settings.
  2. Select Parameter Sweep.
  3. Select the Analysis type.
  4. Select the desired Component and then select the specific Parameter to sweep.
  5. Change the other Simulation settings as desired.
  6. Tap Start simulation.

How do you sweep a variable in Matlab?

Sweep MATLAB Variables with MATLAB Scripting

  1. Open sldrtex_inlined and the Scope block.
  2. In the base workspace, create a parameter object configured to store the parameter as a global variable.
  3. Replace the Transfer Fcn block parameter Denominator with the parameter object.

How do you change the frequency of VAC in PSpice?

The FREQ is set to the frequency in Hz. For this source the frequency in Hz is 2/(2π) = 1/π = 0.3183. Probes are placed in the circuit to measure the voltage across the resistor and the current through the inductor. Since we want to plot the voltage and current versus time, the Transient analysis is used.