How do you change from inches to mm in NX?

How do you change from inches to mm in NX?

How do you change from inches to mm in NX?

How to Convert Part Units in NX

  1. Go to Start>All Programs>Siemens NX?? Folder>NX Tools and select the “Command Prompt”:
  2. In the command prompt type: ug_convert_part-in and then drag the part into the Command Prompt window and press enter: (note: replace -in with -mm to convert to metric)

How do you dimension a drawing in NX?

Create and edit inferred dimensions siemens NX

  1. On the Direct Sketch toolbar, click Inferred Dimensions .
  2. Click the bottom line of the profile, move the cursor down, and click again to place the dimension.
  3. Type 110 and press Enter.
  4. Click the bottom line (1), the top line to the left (2), and place the dimension (3).

How do you put fake dimensions in NX?

The main option for dimension overriding lies deep in the Settings menu. Thus click on your dimension, choose Settings —> Text —> Format, here tick the Override Dimension Text checkbox. Then click on the “A” button and in the next window insert the value you need.

How do you change units in NX?

NX provides two default unit system files: one English and one metric….Follow these steps to change the units:

  1. Choose Analysis->Units.
  2. Change the units from inches to millimeters.
  3. Measure the length again and the popup will be in millimeters.
  4. Measure the diameter of a hole… also millimeters.

How do you change units of measure in Teamcenter?

Try below steps to remove “each” deault UOM value and add new default UOM value :

  1. Open \lang\textserver\\tc_text_locale.xml file.
  2. Change:
  3. Save & close tc_text_locale.
  4. Delete Server cache and restart teamcenter services.

How do you change units in NX sketch?

Follow these steps to change the units:

  1. Choose Analysis->Units.
  2. Change the units from inches to millimeters.
  3. Measure the length again and the popup will be in millimeters.
  4. Measure the diameter of a hole… also millimeters.