Can EBV cause positive Lyme test?

Can EBV cause positive Lyme test?

Can EBV cause positive Lyme test?

Epstein-Barr virus infection is known to cause false-positive results in Lyme disease serologic testing, particularly IgM tests, and samples from patients with recent EBV infection are commonly part of the serum panel used to study antibody-based tests for Lyme disease [2, 3, 8, 9].

Can Lyme disease trigger EBV?

Lyme disease and infectious mononucleosis are common illnesses that share similar clinical presentations. Significant cross-reactivity is known to occur between Lyme and EBV serologic assays complicating the diagnosis. To date, no prior cases of concurrent acute Lyme and EBV infections have been reported.

What is IgG positive for Lyme?

IgG antibodies, which are smaller than IgM antibodies, are produced later on in the infection and can even remain after the infection resolves. Testing positive for a high number of IgG antibodies can be indicative of late-stage or chronic Lyme.

What does a positive EBV nuclear IgG mean?

The presence of VCA IgG antibodies indicates that an EBV infection has occurred at some time recently or in the past. The presence of VCA IgM antibodies and the absence of antibodies to EBNA mean that the infection has occurred recently. The presence of antibodies to EBNA means that the infection occurred in the past.

Can Lyme disease be mistaken for mono?

Mononucleosis (EBV) and Lyme disease share similar characteristics, making an accurate diagnosis difficult. Each condition causes non-specific symptoms including fatigue, fever, myalgia, arthritis, headaches, neck soreness and swollen or enlarged lymph nodes. And each greatly impacts children.

What causes false positive IgM Lyme?

Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus infections cause false-positive results in IgM two- test protocol for early Lyme borreliosis. Infection 1999; 27: 231. 13. Tugwell P, Dennis DT, Weinstein A et al. Laboratory evaluation in the diagnosis of Lyme disease.

When does EBV IgG become positive?

Although not always present, EA (D) IgG increases during the first 3-4 wk and is no longer detectable after 3-4 mo (approximately 85% of the patients with acute infection are positive for up to 3 mo after symptom onset)[23,24], even though in some cases they can still be detected years after a primary infection[23].

Could a positive Lyme test be something else?

For example, even if you have had Lyme disease and been cured, antibodies may still be found months or years later. False-positive results can also happen if you have the autoimmune disease lupus, HIV, or syphilis. They can also happen if you have Helicobacter pylori bacteria or the Epstein-Barr virus.