Can civilians join CSOR?

Can civilians join CSOR?

Can civilians join CSOR?

The CAF does not accept direct entry applicants, i.e. civilians with no prior military experience, for the CSOR. As a result, volunteers for the CSOR may be accepted from both CAF military personnel (both officer and enlisted) from any branch of military service to serve with the CSOR.

Is CSOR Special Forces?

The Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR) is a Special Forces unit. It has the capability and responsiveness to operate in harsh environments throughout the range of conflict.

What is the difference between JTF2 and CSOR?

CSOR handles tasks commonly associated with American units such as Special Forces and Rangers while JTF2 is Canada’s counter-terrorism unit, filling a role similar to Delta Force. That CSOR is in Kurdistan conducting an advise and assist mission is public knowledge.


CANSOFCOM is composed of CSOR, 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron, and the Canadian Special Operations Training Centre in Petawawa, Joint Task Force 2 (JTF-2) in Ottawa, and the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit in Trenton.

How many CSOR members are there?

Canadian Special Operations Regiment
Role Direct action Special reconnaissance
Size Battalion
Part of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
Garrison/HQ CFB Petawawa

How can I join Cansofcom?

Civilians cannot join CANSOFCOM directly. Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel joining CANSOFCOM must have completed their operationally functional point (OFP) in their current occupation and demonstrate that they have the special attributes and training desired to fill these demanding roles.

How do I join Cansof?

Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel joining CANSOFCOM must have completed their operationally functional point (OFP) in their current occupation and demonstrate that they have the special attributes and training desired to fill these demanding roles.

Is CSOR in Ukraine?

Due to the Taliban offensive in 2021, CSOR operators were deployed to Afghanistan to assist Canadian embassy staff to leave and destroy anything sensitive. In January 2022, CSOR was deployed to Ukraine.

Does CSOR get deployed?