How do I know if I injured my patellar tendon?

How do I know if I injured my patellar tendon?

How do I know if I injured my patellar tendon?

When a patellar tendon tears, you often experience a tearing or popping sensation. Pain and swelling typically follow, and you may not be able to straighten your knee. Additional symptoms include: An indentation at the bottom of your kneecap where the patellar tendon tore.

What does a patellar tendon strain feel like?

Pain and tenderness around your patellar tendon. Swelling. Pain with jumping, running, or walking. Pain when bending or straightening your leg.

How long does patellar tendonitis take to heal?

Generally, with appropriate patellar tendonitis treatment, an injury can be resolved in about six weeks. However, full recovery can take weeks to months after physical therapy. Knee pain may subside in about three weeks, but a full recovery will be noticeable in six weeks.

Will patellar tendon heal itself?

A torn patellar tendon does not heal well on its own, and left untreated will lead to weakness of the quadriceps muscle and difficulty with routine activities, including walking. Surgery to repair the torn tendon is relatively straightforward in concept but can be difficult to perform.

Can you walk on a patellar tendon tear?

Walking after a patellar tendon tear is possible, however, many patients will notice significant knee instability as well as severe pain.

Can you still play sports with patellar tendonitis?

If you ontinue with your activity in the presence of pain, you initially can continue to exercise or perform at a normal level. However, if you continue to exercise and don’t rest, the pain will become more persistent and will be present before, during and after activity.

Can patellar tendonitis heal itself?

A torn patellar tendon cannot heal itself unless specific measures are taken depending on the type of injury. For a complete patellar tendon tear, surgery and physical therapy are required to regain full knee function. For partial tears, physical therapy and braces are typically necessary.

How do you tell if you have a partially torn patellar tendon?


  1. An indentation at the bottom of your kneecap where the patellar tendon tore.
  2. Bruising.
  3. Tenderness.
  4. Cramping.
  5. Your kneecap may move up into the thigh because it is no longer anchored to your shinbone.
  6. Difficulty walking due to the knee buckling or giving way.

Can I run through patellar tendonitis?

Running is entirely possible while suffering from patellar tendonitis, but you have to amend your typical training regime until you’ve completely recovered.

Does indoor volleyball cause patellar tendinitis?

Indoor volleyball tends to have a greater incidence of patellar tendinitis, whereas beach volleyball has a lesser tendency of this injury owing to the softness of sand, the decreased jump height and less of an eccentric load on the quadriceps when landing.

Are high level volleyball players at risk of rotator cuff and patellar tendinopathy?

Background High level volleyball players are at great risk of suffering rotator cuff and patellar tendinopathy. The symptoms are often serious resulting in long standing impairment of athletic performance.

Can a patellar tendon injury be seen on an MRI?

Patella tendon injury. This is often noted by weakness and pain. An MRI is the most effective way of diagnosing and differentiating between the different types of inflammation around the patellar tendon as the MRI images define not only the specific kind of inflammation, tearing, or degradation within the tendon, but also the location and extent.

What is the patellar tendon?

The patellar tendon is a strong tendon extending from the kneecap to the tibial tubercle or the front of the tibia.